Best Laid Plans

An educated, experienced professional can orchestrate a catastrophic business flame-out better than just about anyone. Random musings on business and learning from your mistakes.

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Location: Buffalo, New York, United States

Aging hipster.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Funny How Life Gets in the Way

When I started this blog, I was un(der)employed and filling in the time between the few interviews I was getting and intermitent job searching. Then, out of desperation, I took a retail 'position' to pay a few bills while I continued my search and, all of a sudden, the creative well dried up. Good thing no one reads this anyway.

Actually, the well is still there. The water is just being used to sustain my sanity, rather than my creativity. When one has experienced success in the business world (along with profound failure) and is reasonably well-educated, it takes a while for the reality of prolonged unemployment to register in the waking areas of the brain. What'll rouse ya' up a lot faster is jumping in with the rest of the "working class" and finding out what its really like at ground level.

That's no dis' to anyone who works too hard for too little. I have disdained Walmart and it's business practices for years. I just never realized how many retail megacorps have bitten on their business plan letter for letter. No one's naming names. I'm just saying, contrary to the signs I have seen in the company break room, food stamps do not necessarily make America stronger.

I'm rambling. Back to the point... Haven't written in a while but I am refromulating and rechanneling. More Later.


Blogger said...

Hi, are you there? Can you start posting on his blog again? Looks interesting...

8:20 PM  

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