Best Laid Plans

An educated, experienced professional can orchestrate a catastrophic business flame-out better than just about anyone. Random musings on business and learning from your mistakes.

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Location: Buffalo, New York, United States

Aging hipster.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Entreprenurial Art of Failure

Trying is Painful

To blog or not to blog? With the vast proliferation of random thoughts jamming the bloggosphere, it has taken me a little time to key in on a theme for which I can ably pontificate. Everybody has interests, but, as most blogs are evidence of, not all should feel compelled to expound on them. So, before I signed up, I considered a few areas where I felt I might contribute substantively...

Music :: My tastes know no bounds, nor does my CD collection. When in the company of like-minded audiophiles, I can ruminate on anything from Mahler to Miles to Morphine to Madonna (ad-nauseam). Still, music blogs just aren't much fun without an MP3 posted here or there and the world already has one Klosterman. Next.

Movies :: Who doesn't like to talk about movies? Actors, directors, writers, producers. Its all very involving and I know quite a bit. Still, the world already has one Knowles. Next.

Hockey :: Go Sabres!

Which leads to...

Business :: Don't click away. I know -there are a thousand blogs out there that promote the relative genius of their authors. Strategic masterminds here. Branding maestros there. Insiders, left and right. Listen- I'm no genius and I don't claim to be. Whatthis writer proposes to offer is the exact opposite of what our biz school brethren do: Over the next few weeks (months, years...) I plan to post a step-by-step, color-by-numbers blueprint for guaranteed failure in any entreprenurial enterprise. Think you have a fool-proof idea to make $millions? I know how to kill it twenty different ways. You see, I am the proud CEO of two start-ups that failed spectacularly (each in their own unique fashion).

As I haven't completely organized my thoughts yet, I need a day or two to lay out a lesson plan (class one's tentative title: Planning is for Suckers). So, as you put together your SBA loan package and circulate your Circle Lending literature, be sure to check back every now and then to pick up some sure-fire strategies for catastrophe. -D


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